II. Indications

  1. Psoriasis
    1. Adjunct to Corticosteroids in Psoriasis treatment

III. Mechanism

  1. Coal Tar is a dark brown or black liquid extracted from roasted wood or in the production of coke (hard, coal-based fuel)

IV. Dosing

  1. Tar Bath
    1. Prepare bath with 8 cap fills of tar emulsion
    2. Immerse in bath for 15 minutes per day
  2. Adjunctive measures
    1. Judicious exposure to sunlight enhances effect
  3. Do not occlude
    1. May induce irritant and microbial Folliculitis

V. Adverse Effects

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Ontology: Coal Tar (C0009137)

Definition (NCI) A dark brown or black thick liquid obtained by roasting pine wood or formed as a by-product in the production of coke. Coal tar is a complex mixture of organic substances, including benzene, phenols, sulfur, aniline, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, anthracene and phenanthrene. This substance is used to treat certain skin diseases, especially psoriasis, and is used in the synthesis of dyes, drugs, explosives, flavorings, perfumes, preservatives, synthetic resins, paints and stains. Coal tar exposure leads to an increased risk of developing cancer of skin, lung, bladder, kidney and digestive tract as well as leukemia. It is known to be a human carcinogen. (NCI05)
Definition (MSH) A by-product of the destructive distillation of coal used as a topical antieczematic. It is an antipruritic and keratoplastic agent used also in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Occupational exposure to soots, tars, and certain mineral oils is known to be carcinogenic according to the Fourth Annual Report on Carcinogens (NTP 85-002, 1985) (Merck Index, 11th ed).
Concepts Pharmacologic Substance (T121) , Organic Chemical (T109)
MSH D003033
SnomedCT 6071000, 332225009, 53034005, 373514002
English Tar, Coal, Tar, coal, coal tar (medication), Coal Tar [Chemical/Ingredient], COAL TAR, liquor carbonis detergens, coal products tar, coal tar, Coal Tar [2], Coal Tar [2] (product), Coal-tar, Coal Tar, Liquor carbonis detergens, Coal tar, Coal tar product, Crude coal tar, Liquor picis carbonis, Pix carbonis, Pix lithanthracis, Coal tar (substance), Coal tar agent (substance), Coal tar agent, Coal tar preparation (product), Coal tar preparation, Coal tar preparation, NOS, Coal tar, NOS, Coal Tar [2] (substance), Coal tar preparation (substance), COAL TAR,CRUDE
Swedish Stenkolstjära
Czech dehet uhelný
Finnish Kivihiiliterva
Japanese コールタール
Spanish alquitrán mineral, alquitrán mineral (producto), preparado con alquitrán mineral (producto), preparado con alquitrán mineral, alquitrán mineral (2) (producto), alquitrán mineral (2), Alquitrán de Hulla, Brea de Hulla, Alquitrán Mineral, Coaltar, Brea de Alquitrán, agente con alquitrán de hulla (sustancia), agente con alquitrán de hulla, alquitrán de carbón (2) (producto), alquitrán de carbón (2), alquitrán de carbón mineral, alquitrán de hulla (sustancia), alquitrán de hulla crudo, alquitrán de hulla, pix carbonis, preparado de alquitrán de hulla (producto), preparado de alquitrán de hulla (sustancia), preparado de alquitrán de hulla, Alquitrán
Polish Smoła węglowa
Portuguese Alcatrão de Hulha, Alcatrão
French Goudron houille
German Steinkohlenteer
Italian Catrame di carbone