II. Pathophysiology
- Often results from minimal to no injury
III. Risk Factors
IV. Diagnosis
- See Hip Fracture
- Images
V. Types: Garden Classification
- Non-displaced Fractures (20%)
- Type 1: Stress Fracture - Valgus impaction of head
- Type 2: Complete, non-displaced Fracture
- Displaced Fractures
- Type 3: Varus displacement of femoral head
- Type 4: Fracture fragments completely displaced
VI. Management
- See Hip Fracture
- Strongly consider regional Nerve Block in hip and Femur Fractures
- Fascia Iliaca Block or PENG Block in isolated Femoral Neck Fracture (without Coagulopathy or other contraindication)
- Non-displaced Fracture (Type 1 or 2)
- Bone impaction provides Fracture stability
- Bedrest results in 90% union
- Open reduction and Internal Fixation: 100% union
- Displaced Fracture (Type 3 or 4)
- Closed reduction and pinning
- Preferred in young patients to avoid hip arthroplasty
- Risk of Hip Avascular Necrosis
- Open reduction and Internal Fixation
- Lower morbidity (decreased blood loss and deep Wound Infection) when compared with arthroplasty
- Arthroplasty (acetabulum and femoral head replacement) or Hemiarthroplasty (femoral head replacement)
- Preferred option in older patients (over age 65 years)
- Lower reoperation rates
- Lower risk of avascular necrosis and nonunion
- Faster recovery
- References
- Closed reduction and pinning
VII. Complications
- Non-union
- Avascular Necrosis
- Types 3 and 4 confer 10% risk
Osteomyelitis or Septic Arthritis of the hip
- Reduced risk with perioperative Antibiotics
Pulmonary Embolism
- Leading cause of death at 7 days post-Fracture
VIII. References
- Gurr in Marx (2002) Rosen's Emergency Med, p. 655-60
- Schmidt (2002) Orthop Clin North Am 33(1):97-111 [PubMed]
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Related Studies
Definition (MSH) | Fractures of the short, constricted portion of the thigh bone between the femur head and the trochanters. It excludes intertrochanteric fractures which are HIP FRACTURES. |
Concepts | Injury or Poisoning (T037) |
MSH | D005265 |
ICD9 | 820 |
ICD10 | S72.0 , S72.00 |
SnomedCT | 157233005, 208520007, 5913000 |
English | Femoral Neck Fracture, Femoral Neck Fractures, NOF - Fracture neck of femur, Femur Neck Fracture, Femur Neck Fractures, fracture of neck of femur (diagnosis), fracture of neck of femur, Fractured femoral neck, Fractured neck of femur, Fracture of neck of femur NOS, Femoral Neck Fractures [Disease/Finding], fracture femoral neck, femur fracture neck, femur neck fracture, neck of femur fracture, femoral neck fracture, femoral neck fractures, Fracture;neck of femur, femoral fracture neck, femur fractures neck, fracture neck femur, fracture neck of femur, fracture of neck femur, femoral fractures neck, femur fractured neck, fractured neck femur, Fracture of neck of femur, NOF - Fracture of neck of femur, Femoral neck fracture, Fracture of neck of femur (disorder), femur fracture; femur neck, femur neck; femoral fracture, femur; fracture, neck, fracture; femur, neck, fractured neck of femur |
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Concepts | Injury or Poisoning (T037) |
ICD9 | 820.00 |
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German | Fraktur eines unspezifischen intrakapsulaeren Abschnitts des Oberschenkelhalses, geschlossen |
Italian | Frattura chiusa di sezione intracapsulare non specificata del collo del femore |
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Spanish | Fractura de sección intracapsular no especificada del cuello del fémur, cerrada |
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Czech | Zlomenina blíže neurčené intrakapsulární části krčku femuru, zavřená |
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Concepts | Injury or Poisoning (T037) |
ICD9 | 820.09 |
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German | sonstige transzervikale Fraktur des Oberschenkels, geschlossen |
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Portuguese | Outra fractura transcervical fechada |
Spanish | Otras fracturas transcervicales del fémur, cerradas |
Czech | Jiná transcervikální zlomenina femuru, zavřená |
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Ontology: Subcapital fracture of neck of femur (C0347808)
Concepts | Injury or Poisoning (T037) |
ICD10 | S72.01 |
SnomedCT | 263226008 |
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Spanish | fractura subcapital de cuello de fémur (trastorno), fractura subcapital de cuello de fémur |