II. Risk factors

  1. See Stress Fracture
  2. Increased training regimen (too hard, too fast, too soon)
  3. Women with poor nutrition or hormonal imbalance (e.g. Female Athlete Triad)
  4. Associated activities
    1. Military recruits
    2. Distance runners
    3. Jumpers

III. Symptoms

IV. Signs

  1. Pain on palpation of pubic ramus
  2. Provocative maneuvers
    1. One legged standing
    2. One legged jumping

V. Imaging

  1. Nuclear bone scan confirms diagnosis

VI. Associated Conditions

  1. Acetabulum Stress Fracture

VII. Management

  1. Risk Modification
    1. See Stress Fracture
  2. Conservative management
    1. Relative rest for 4 to 6 weeks
    2. Gradual return to sport

VIII. Prognosis

  1. Expect complete healing by 3 to 5 months

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