II. Causes: Biomechanical

  1. Pelvic tilt or rotation
  2. Hip Joint abnormality
  3. Sacroiliac joint abnormality

III. Signs

  1. See Leg Length Discrepancy to test for true inequality
  2. Supine to sitting leg length measurement
    1. Patient lies supine with legs in neutral position
    2. Compare leg lengths for equality
    3. Patient bends at torso to sit with legs extended
    4. Positive test: Inequality of leg lengths on sitting
  3. Fixed to non-fixed measurement
    1. Patient lies supine with legs in neutral position
    2. Measure both legs from Umbilicus to medial malleolus
    3. Unequal measurement suggests functional shortening

IV. References

  1. Hoppenfeld (1976) Spine and Extremities, p. 166

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