II. Indications

  1. Severe, refractory COPD with Chronic Bronchitis and frequent exacerbations

III. Mechanism

  1. Combined PDE3 and PDE4 Inhibitor
  2. Increases lung intracellular cAMP
  3. Bronchodilates and reduces airway inflammation

IV. Medications

  1. Ensifentrine Inhalation aqueous suspension: 3 mg/2.5 mL (unit-dose ampules)

V. Dosing

  1. Shake Ensifentrine ampule before nebulizing (solution may appear cloudy and yellow)
  2. Nebulize 3 mg (one ampule) twice daily

VI. Adverse Effects

  1. Uncommon adverse effects
  2. Paradoxical bronchospasm
  3. Suicidality
  4. Hypertension
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Urinary Tract Infections
  7. Back Pain

VII. Safety

  1. Unknown safety in pregnancy
  2. Unknown safety in Lactation

VIII. Efficacy

  1. Efficacy data is limited as of 2024
  2. Very expensive as of 2024 (approaches $3000/month)

X. References

  1. (2024) Presc Lett 31(9): 51

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