Definition (NCI)
A superficial fibromatosis arising from the soft tissue of the palm. It is characterized by the presence of spindle-shaped fibroblasts, and an infiltrative growth pattern. It predominantly affects adult males.
Definition (MSH)
A fibromatosis of the palmar fascia characterized by thickening and contracture of the fibrous bands on the palmar surfaces of the hand and fingers. It arises most commonly in men between the ages of 30 and 50.
Concepts |
Disease or Syndrome
ICD9 |
728.6 |
ICD10 |
SnomedCT |
274142002, 203047009, 410812005, 203045001, 51370006, 77666004, 203044002, 156724004, 410813000 |
English |
Contracture, Dupuytren's, DUPUYTREN'S CONTRACTURE, Dupuytrens Contracture, Dupuytren's contracture of hand, Dupuytrens contracture of hand, Dupuyt dis-palm + contracture, Hand(s) Dupuytrens Contracture(s), Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren], DUPUYTREN CONTRACTURE, Dupuytren's contracture (diagnosis), Dupuytren's contracture (physical finding), Dupuytren's contracture was observed, Contracture Dupytren's, Contracted palmar fascia, Contracture, Dupuytren, Dupuytren's Contracture, Dupuytren Disease, Dupuytren's Disease, Dupuytrens Disease, Dupuytren Contracture, Dupuytren contracture, Dupuytren disease of palm, with contracture, Dupuytren disease, Dupuytren disease of palm, Dupuytren Contracture [Disease/Finding], contractures dupuytren's, dupuytren's contracture, contractures dupuytrens, contracture dupuytrens's, dupytren's contracture, contractures dupuytren, fibromatosis palmar, contracture dupuytren, contracture dupuytren's, dupuytren contracture, palmar fibromatosis, Dupuytrens contracture, Palmar fibromatosis (disorder), Contracture: (Dupuytren's) or (palmar fascia), Contracture: (Dupuytren's) or (palmar fascia) (disorder), Palmar fascia contracture, Dupuytren's disease of palm, with contracture, Dupuytren's disease of palm, with contracture (disorder), contracture; Dupuytren, fascia palmaris; retraction, fibromatosis; palmar, palmar; fibromatosis, retraction; fascia palmaris, Dupuytren; contracture, Dupuytren, Palmar fibromatosis, Contracture of palmar fascia, Dupuytren's contracture, Palmar fascial fibromatosis, Dupuytren's disease of palm, Contracture of palmar fascia (disorder), Dupuytren's contracture (disorder), Dupuytren's disease (disorder), Dupuytren's disease of palm (disorder), Dupuytren's disease, Palmar Fibromatosis, dupuytrens contracture |
Dutch |
contractuur van fascia palmaris, palmaire fibromatosis, Dupuytren; contractuur, contractuur; Dupuytren, fascia palmaris; retractie, fibromatose; palmair, palmair; fibromatose, retractie; fascia palmaris, Fibromatose van fascia palmaris [Dupuytren], Contractuur, Dupuytren-, Dupuytren-contractuur |
French |
Contracture de Dupuytren, Contracture de l'aponévrose palmaire, MALADIE DE DUPUYTREN, Aponévrosite palmaire, Rétraction de l'aponévrose palmaire, Fibromatose palmaire, Maladie de Dupuytren |
German |
Kontraktur der Palmarfaszie, DUPUYTREN KONTRAKTUR, Fibromatose der Palmarfaszie [Dupuytren-Kontraktur], Palmarfibromatose, Dupuytren Kontraktur, Dupuytren-Kontraktur |
Italian |
Contrattura della fascia palmare, Fibromatosi palmare, Contrattura di Dupuytren |
Portuguese |
Contractura da fáscia palmar, DOENCA DE DUPUYTREN, Fibromatose palmar, Contractura de Dupuytren, Contratura de Dupuytren |
Spanish |
Contractura de la fascia palmar, DUPUYTREN, ENFERMEDAD, Fibromatosis palmar, Dupuytren's disease of palm, fibromatosis palmar (trastorno), fibromatosis palmar, enfermedad de Dupuytren de las palmas, con contractura (trastorno), enfermedad de Dupuytren de las palmas, con contractura, Enfermedad de Dupuytren, contractura de Dupuytren (trastorno), contractura de Dupuytren, contractura de la fascia palmar, enfermedad de Dupuytren (trastorno), enfermedad de Dupuytren, contractura de la fascia palmar (trastorno), enfermedad de Dupuytren de la palma (trastorno), enfermedad de Dupuytren de la palma, fibromatosis fascial palmar, Contractura de Dupuytren |
Japanese |
デュプイトレン拘縮, 手掌筋膜拘縮, デュプイトラン拘縮, シュショウキンマクコウシュク, デュプイトレンコウシュク, デュプイトランコウシュク, Dupuytren拘縮, シュショウセンイシュショウ, 手掌線維腫症, デュピュイトラン拘縮 |
Swedish |
Dupuytrens kontraktur
Czech |
Dupuytrenova kontraktura, Kontraktura palmární aponeurózy, Dupuytrenova nemoc, Dupuytrenova choroba, Palmární fibromatóza |
Finnish |
Dupuytrenin kutistuskoukistuma
Russian |
Korean |
손바닥 근막 섬유종증(뒤퓌트랑)
Croatian |
Polish |
Przykurcz Dupuytrena
Hungarian |
Dupuytren-contractura, Palmaris fascia contracturája, Palmaris fibromatosis |
Norwegian |
Dupuytren-kontraktur, Dupuytren-sykdom, Dupuytrens kontraktur, Dupuytrens sykdom |