III. Mechanism

  1. Hyperextension injury most common
  2. Common injury in athletes

IV. Complications

  1. Longterm stiffness
  2. Phalanx Fracture
  3. Tendon Injury

V. Exam

  1. Ligament stability
  2. Motor function
  3. Sensation
  4. Distal circulation (Capillary Refill)
  5. Active joint range of motion
    1. Flexion
    2. Extension
  6. Finger alignment
    1. Extension
    2. Flexion
      1. Finger tips should not overlap
      2. Finger tips should all point towards thenar eminence

VI. Signs

  1. Grossly deformed digit
  2. Swelling
  3. Erythema
  4. Decreased range of motion
  5. Tenderness to palpation

VII. Imaging: Three View Finger XRay before and after reduction

  1. Exclude avulsion Fracture
  2. Reduction may be attempted on sideline without XRay

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