II. Epidemiology
- Incidence: Rare
- Most common in males, ages 25 to 40 years
III. Pathophysiology
- Medial collateral ligament (MCL) ossification (calcification)
- Results from valgus stress induced MCL injury
- Inflammatory response to injury leads to a delayed calcification at 2 to 6 weeks after injury
IV. Causes
- Acute MCL injury
- Repetitive MCL injury and overuse
- Overstretching
V. Symptoms
- Medial Knee Pain following injury
VI. Signs
- Medial knee tenderness
- Medial femoral condyle
- Proximal medial collateral ligament (MCL)
- Palpable firm localized swelling may be present
- Absent Knee Effusion
- Provocative
- Range of motion is painful (active and passive)
- Valgus stress test painful
VII. Imaging
VIII. Differential Diagnosis
IX. Management
X. Complications
- Restricted range of motion
- Joint Contractures
- Altered Gait
XI. Resources
- Pellegrini-Stieda Lesion
XII. References
- Kiel (2024) Crit Dec Emerg Med 38(5): 16-7
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