III. Indications
- Acute Knee Injury
- Ottawa Ankle Rules are validated for age 2 years old and older
IV. Efficacy: Accuracy for Acute Knee XRay Indications
- Pittsburgh Knee Rules (Pittsburgh Decision Rules)
- Test Sensitivity: 99%
- Test Specificity: 60%
- Reduced the use of Knee XRays by 52%
- Ottawa Knee Rules
- Test Sensitivity: 97%
- Test Specificity: 27%
- Reduced the use of Knee XRays by 28%
- Pretest probability determines likelihood of Fracture based on positive Ottawa Knee Rules
- References
V. Indications: Pittsburgh Knee Rules (acute)
- Primary criteria (required)
- Blunt Trauma or fall type injury
- Secondary criteria (one of the following present)
- Age younger than 12 years or over 50 years
- Inability to walk four weight bearing steps in ER
VI. Indications: Ottawa Knee Rules (acute)
- Age over 55 years
- Isolated Patella bony tenderness
- Tenderness at head of fibula
- Inability to flex knee to 90 degrees
- Inability to bear weight (4 steps) - unable to transfer weight twice
- Immediately at site of accident
- Emergency department
- Rules efficacious down to age 5 years