II. Epidemiology

  1. Incidence: 1 in 40,000 births
  2. Most common etiology for short-limb syndrome

III. Pathophysiology

  1. Hereditary (Autosomal Dominant)
  2. Disease of cartilage and endochondral bone growth

IV. Signs

  1. Facial features
    1. Recessed Nasal Bridge
    2. Large brachiocephalic head (prominent forehead)
    3. Prominent jaw
  2. Trunk and spine features
    1. Normal trunk
    2. Dorsal kyphosis
    3. Backward-tilting Sacrum
    4. Slight Abdominal Distention
  3. Limb features
    1. Rhizomelic limb shortening
    2. Short muscular limbs
    3. Stubby hands with thick fingers

V. Associated conditions

  1. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
  2. Sleep Apnea
  3. Hydrocephalus (infants)
  4. Lumbosacral spinal stenosis

VI. Radiology: Skeletal XRay

  1. Short bowed wide bones with expanded ends
  2. Increased bone density
  3. Characteristic cupping of Metaphases
  4. Incomplete glenoid fossa and acetabulum
  5. Wide joint spaces

VII. Course

  1. Adult height: 4 feet
  2. Normal intelligence development

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Italian Nanismo acondroplasico, Acondroplasia
Portuguese Nanismo acondroplásico, Acondroplasia
Spanish Enanismo acondroplásico, constitución física acondroplásica (hallazgo), complexión física de tipo acondroplásico, constitución física acondroplásica, enanismo constitucional, físico acondroplásico, acondroplasia (trastorno), acondroplasia, condrodistrofia fetal, enano acondroplásico, enanismo psicológico, Acondroplasia
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Ontology: Congenital dwarfism (C0856843)

Concepts Congenital Abnormality (T019)
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French Nanisme congénital
German kongenitaler Zwergwuchs
Italian Nanismo congenito
Portuguese Nanismo congénito
Spanish Enanismo congénito
Japanese 先天性低身長症, センテンセイテイシンチョウショウ
Czech Vrozený nanismus
English Congenital dwarfism, congenital; dwarfism, dwarfism; congenital
Hungarian Veleszületett törpe