Definition (CHV)
a kind of dietary mineral
Definition (CHV)
a kind of dietary mineral
Definition (MSHCZE)
Selenium, Se (Z=34, Ar=78,96). Nekovový prvek ze skup. chalkogenů (VI.A) period. soust. Řadí se ke stopovým prvkům, součást proteinů (selenoproteinů) s enzymatickými funkcemi (ochrana proti kyslíkovým radikálům – glutathionperoxidáza, syntéza hormonů štítné žlázy). Studuje se rovněž protinádorový účinek s., jeho vliv na imunitu, reprodukci, činnost CNS, stárnutí a některé další choroby. Zkoumá se význam suplementace s ohledem na popisovaný relativní nedostatek. Těžký deficit způsobuje kardiomyopatii (kešanská nemoc). Obsažen je např. v mléku, čaji, mořských rybách, ořechách, vnitřnostech. S. má několik modifikací červený prášek, lesklé šedé krystaly, amorfní, jeho slouč. jsou značně jedovaté. Selenovodík způsobuje i ve velkém zřed. bolesti hlavy a nevolnost. Ve větší konc. i jeho nepatrné množ. silně dráždí sliznice, na kůži způsobují slouč. selenu ekzémy a bolestivé záněty Objev. r. 1817 Švédem J. J. Berzeliem. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 )
Definition (NCI)
A nonmetallic chemical element found in trace amounts in human body. Selenium primarily occurs in vivo as selenocompounds, mostly selenoproteins such as glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase (enzymes responsible for detoxification). Alone or in combination with Vitamin E, selenocompounds act as antioxidants. These agents scavenge free radicals; prevent blood clots by inhibiting platelet aggregation; strengthen the immune system; and have been shown, in some instances, to inhibit chromosomal damage and mutations. Exhibiting chemopreventive activity, selenocompounds also inhibit the induction of protein kinase C.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS)
A mineral that is needed by the body to stay healthy. It is being studied in the prevention and treatment of some types of cancer. Selenium is a type of antioxidant.
Definition (MSH)
An element with the atomic symbol Se, atomic number 34, and atomic weight 78.96. It is an essential micronutrient for mammals and other animals but is toxic in large amounts. Selenium protects intracellular structures against oxidative damage. It is an essential component of GLUTATHIONE PEROXIDASE.
Definition (CSP)
element with the atomic symbol Se, atomic number 34; an essential micronutrient for mammals and other animals but toxic in large amounts; protects intracellular structures against oxidative damage.
Definition (PDQ)
A nonmetallic chemical element found in trace amounts in human body. Selenium primarily occurs in vivo as selenocompounds, mostly selenoproteins such as glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase (enzymes responsible for detoxification). Alone or in combination with Vitamin E, selenocompounds act as antioxidants. These agents scavenge free radicals; prevent blood clots by inhibiting platelet aggregation; strengthen the immune system; and have been shown, in some instances, to inhibit chromosomal damage and mutations. Exhibiting chemopreventive activity, selenocompounds also inhibit the induction of protein kinase C. Check for "" active clinical trials or "" closed clinical trials using this agent. ("" NCI Thesaurus)
Concepts |
Hazardous or Poisonous Substance
, Element, Ion, or Isotope
SnomedCT |
350057002, 22038003 |
LP14283-3, MTHU007657 |
English |
Selenium, Se, mineral supplements selenium, selenium (medication), SELENIUM, Selenium [Chemical/Ingredient], selenium (Se), Se element, selenium, Se - Selenium, Selenium product, Selenium (substance), Selenium product (product), Selenium, NOS, Selenium product (substance) |
Swedish |
Czech |
Finnish |
Russian |
Spanish |
selenio (producto), selenio, producto (producto), selenio, producto, selenio (sustancia), selenio, Selenio |
Croatian |
Latvian |
Polish |
Norwegian |
French |
German |
Italian |
Portuguese |