Definition (MSH)
A dull or sharp painful sensation associated with the outer or inner structures of the eyeball, having different causes.
Definition (MSHCZE)
Tupá či ostrá bolest vnějších nebo vnitřních struktur očního bulbu, způsobená různými příčinami.
Definition (NCI)
Painful sensation in the eye.
Definition (NCI_CTCAE)
A disorder characterized by a sensation of marked discomfort in the eye.
Concepts |
Sign or Symptom
ICD10 |
, H57.10 |
SnomedCT |
162286001, 139556001, 194185002, 41652007 |
English |
EYE PAIN, Eye pain NOS, eye pain (symptom), eye pain, ocular pain, Eye ache, Pain eye, Pain in eyes, Ocular pain, unspecified eye, Eye Pains, Pains, Eye, Eye Pain, Pain, Eye, eye ache, Pain;eye, pain in eye, pain in eyes, eye pains, Eye Pain [Disease/Finding], Eye pain NOS (finding), Eye painful, Pain in eye, Ocular pain, Pain in eye (finding), eye; pain, ocular; pain, ophthalmic; pain, pain; eye, pain; ocular, pain; ophthalmic, Eye pain |
Dutch |
pijn oog, pijn in ogen, oculaire pijn, Pijn oog, oculair; pijn, oftalmisch; pijn, oog; pijn, pijn; oculair, pijn; oftalmisch, pijn; oog, Oogpijn, oogpijn |
French |
Yeux endoloris, Douleur dans les yeux, DOULEUR OCULAIRE, Douleur oculaire, Douleur de l'oeil, Douleur des yeux, Algie oculaire |
German |
Schmerz Auge, Schmerz in den Augen, okulaere Schmerzen, AUGENSCHMERZEN, Augenschmerz, Augenschmerzen |
Italian |
Dolore agli occhi, Dolore oculare |
Portuguese |
Dor nos olhos, Olho dorido, DOR OCULAR, Dor Ocular, Dor ocular |
Spanish |
Dolor de ojo, Dolor en los ojos, OJOS, DOLOR, Dolor Ocular, dolor ocular, SAI (hallazgo), dolor ocular, SAI, dolor en el ojo (hallazgo), dolor en el ojo, dolor ocular, Dolor ocular |
Japanese |
眼痛, ガンツウ |
Czech |
Bolest v očích, Bolest oka, Bolestivé oko, oko - bolest, oči - bolest, bolest oka, bolest očí |
Korean |
Russian |
Hungarian |
Ocularis fájdalom, Szemfájdalom, Fájdalom a szemekben, Szem fájdalom |
Polish |
Ból oka
Norwegian |
Øyesmerte, Øyesmerter |