II. Etiologies
- Tobacco Abuse or smoke exposure
- Voice Abuse
- Viral cause
III. Pathophysiology
- Papilloma
- Chronic irritation of vocal cord leading to edema
- Papillomata (Squamous Cell papilloma)
- Common, Viral cause
IV. Symptoms
- Hoarseness follows as polyp forms
V. Signs
- Vocal Cord Nodule
- Bilateral opposing "knots"
- Occur at mid-vocal cord
- Vocal Cord Polyp
- Erythematous, smooth, mobile vocal cord lesions
- Larger than Nodules, but similar location
VI. Differential Diagnosis
VII. Management
- Strict voice rest
- No whispering (causes as much strain as yelling)
- Soft breathy voice is least Traumatic
- ENT referral for biopsy or surgical excision
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