II. Pathophysiology

  1. Mild form of Vocal Cord Dysfunction
    1. More severe forms cause Stridor, Dyspnea
  2. Typically, no underlying organic cause
  3. Often coexists with psychiatric disorders

III. Symptoms

  1. Constant absence of voice or whispering
  2. Throat dryness or soreness
  3. Able to produce a normal cough on demand

IV. Signs: Laryngeal Exam

  1. See Vocal Cord Dysfunction
  2. Bowed Vocal Cords that do not adduct on phonation

V. Management

  1. See Vocal Cord Dysfunction
  2. Speech pathology referral
  3. Consider mental health Consultation

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Definition (NCI) A term referring to the inability to speak. It may result from injuries to the vocal cords or may be functional (psychogenic).
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