II. Risk Factors

  1. Children (screamers)
  2. Cheerleaders
  3. Singers
  4. Workers in noisy environments
  5. Teachers
  6. Lawyers

III. Symptoms

  1. Hoarseness
  2. Upper Neck Pain
  3. Pharyngitis
  4. Symptoms exacerbated by speaking, screaming or singing

IV. Signs: Vocal cord findings

  1. Vocal Cord Nodules ("Singers Nodules")
  2. Vocal Cord Polyps (associated with smoke exposure)
  3. Contact ulcers

V. Management

  1. Maximize rest
  2. Maintain adequate hydration over 64 ounces per day
  3. Avoid provocative factors
    1. Avoid breathing polluted air
    2. Avoid Tobacco or Marijuana
    3. Avoid Alcohol or drugs
    4. Avoid loud speaking (sporting event, bar, airport)
    5. Do not vocalize while Yawning
    6. Avoid constant throat clearing
    7. Avoid excessive whispering
    8. Avoid modifying natural speaking voice
    9. Avoid excessive voice use during Laryngitis
    10. Avoid exacerbating medications
      1. Corticosteroids
      2. Drying medications
        1. Coffee
        2. Tricyclic Antidepressants

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