II. Epidemiology

  1. Less common than In-Toeing

III. Evaluation

  1. See Hip Rotation Evaluation in Children
  2. See Foot Progression Angle
  3. See Thigh-Foot Angle
  4. Angles change overtime with bone growth up until age 10 to 15 years
    1. Angles are abnormal if >2 SD from normal range for age

IV. Causes

  1. Femoral Retroversion (resolves by age 1-2 years)
  2. Pes Planus (Flexible Flatfoot, resolves by age 10 years)
  3. External Tibial Torsion (onset age 4-7 years)

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French Démarche en rotation externe
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English out-toeing, out toeing, out toe, toe out, Out-toeing, Toeing-out, Toeing-out (finding)
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