II. Definition
- Thinning of skull outer table
III. Signs
- Press firmly over occiput or Parietal Bones
- Gives-way as if pressing on ping-pong ball
IV. Differential Diagnosis
- Rickets
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Hydrocephalus
- Normal variant
- May be present in newborns
- Resolves by 1 month of age
- May persist normally at Suture lines
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Related Studies
Concepts | Congenital Abnormality (T019) , Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
ICD10 | P96.3 |
SnomedCT | 206589000, 88034002, 82351006 |
Dutch | craniotabes, craniotabes; neonataal, neonataal; craniotabes |
French | Craniotabès |
German | Kraniotabes |
Italian | Craniotabe |
Portuguese | Craniotabes |
Spanish | Craneotabes, craneotabes (trastorno), craneotabes, tabes craneal |
Japanese | 頭蓋癆, トウガイロウ |
English | craniotabes (physical finding), craniotabes, craniotabes was seen, Neonatal craniotabes, Neonatal "craniotabes", Craniotabes, Craniotabes (disorder), craniotabes; neonatal, neonatal; craniotabes |
Czech | Kraniotabes |
Hungarian | Craniotabes |