II. Epidemiology
- Disseminated Gonococcal Infection affects 3% of all Gonorrhea infections
III. Presentations: Two distinct presentations
- Gonococcal Arthritis
- Suppurative Monoarticular, Oligoarticular or Polyarticular presentations
- Seeding of joint from bacteremia
- Requires joint wash-out
- Dermatitis-Arthritis Syndrome
- See Gonorrhea for Management (this page refers primarily to Gonococcal Arthritis)
- Bacteremia Classic Triad (onset 2 weeks after initial infection)
IV. Signs
V. Labs
- Broad-based cultures with lab notification of Gonorrhea suspicion
- Cervix or urine Gonorrhea PCR
- Rectal culture or PCR
- Throat Culture or PCR
- Eye Culture
- Blood Cultures
Arthrocentesis for Synovial Fluid
- Clear to opaque Synovial Fluid
- Synovial Fluid WBC: 30,000 to 100,000 (>80% PMNs)
- Gram Stain Positive in <25% of cases
- Culture positive in <50% of cases
VI. Management
- Antibiotic management should be based on culture
- Initial empiric management
- Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) 1 gram IV q24 hours for at least 7 days AND
- Chlamydia management if not excluded (not indicated for Gonorrhea treatment without Chlamydia as of 2020)
- Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days (preferred as of 2020) OR
- Azithromycin 1 g orally for 1 dose
- Cyr (2020) MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 69(50): 1911-6 [PubMed]
- Alternative empiric Antibiotic options
- Cefotaxime 1 g q8 hours IV
- Ceftizoxime 1 g q8 hours IV
- Spectinomycin 2 g q12 h IM (not available in U.S.)
- Continue IV Antibiotics until clinical improvement
VII. References
- Swadron and Shoenberger in Herbert (2018) EM:Rap 18(12): 1
- (2018) Sanford Guide, accessed on IOS 12/1/2018
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Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
ICD9 | 098.50, 098.5 |
ICD10 | A54.42 |
SnomedCT | 186930001, 266139005, 186926004, 44743006 |
English | Gonococcal joint infection NOS, GONOCOCCAL ARTHRITIS, gonococcal infection of a joint, gonococcal infection of joint (diagnosis), gonococcal infection of joint, Gonococcal joint infection, Arthritis gonococcal, gonococcal arthritis, Gonococcal: [joint infection NOS] or [rheumatism], Gonococcal: [joint infection NOS] or [rheumatism] (disorder), Rheumatism - gonococcal, Gonococcal joint infection NOS (disorder), Gonococcal arthritis (disorder), Gonococcal arthritis, Gonococcal infection of joint, Gonococcal rheumatism, Gonococcal infection of joint (disorder), Gonococcal infection of joint, NOS, Gonococcal infection of joint NOS |
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Japanese | 淋菌性関節炎, 関節の淋菌感染, リンキンセイカンセツエン, カンセツノリンキンカンセン |
French | Infection gonococcique d'une articulation, Arthrite gonococcique |
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