II. Definition
- Pathognomonic bullseye rash of early Lyme Disease
III. Epidemiology
- Now thought to occur in 90% of Lyme Disease cases
- Previously thought to be seen in only 50-60%
- Lower detection due to ECM rash that is missed
- Reinforces need for very careful skin exam
- Appears in 86-100% of symptomatic Lyme Disease cases
IV. Timing
- Occurs 3-30 days (median 7 days) after deer Tick Bite
V. Distribution
- Localized rash at deer Tick Bite site
VI. Appearance
- Initial
- Later: Annular Lesion
- Circular, oval or triangular
- Central clearing or darkening with induration (bullseye or target appearance)
- Occurs in only 19-33% of cases
- Macular, papular or vesicular
- Rapid and prolonged expansion (unique to Erythema Migrans)
- Expands to >5 cm diameter
- Typically 20-30 cm (up to 70 cm) diameter
- Contrast with Insect Bite reaction
- Resolution
- Rash resolves in weeks if not treated
- Variations
- Multiple lesions (hematogenous spread of infection) in 10-20% of cases
- Central vessicle or Pustules (5% of cases)
- May appear purpuric on legs
VII. Symptoms
- No Pruritus
VIII. Differential Diagnosis
- See Annular Lesion
- Localized hypersensivity reaction to Insect Bite
- Typically <2.5 to 5 cm in size
- Course
- Onset while tick still attached
- Starts to resolve within 48 hours
- Distinguish from Erythema Migrans
- Mark margins
- Observe for 48 hours off Antibiotics
- Improvement suggests not a Lyme Disease rash
Contact Dermatitis
- Pruritus (does not occur in Erythema Migrans)
- Distribution may help distinguish from EM rash
- Cellulitis uncommon in typical eyrthema migrans sites: Axilla, popliteal fossa, Abdomen, back and groin
Erythema Multiforme
- Multiple target lesions each typically <2 cm diameter
Granuloma Annulare
- Scaling erythematous lesions with central clearing (esp. hands and feet)
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
- Lesions with necrotic central eschar
- Tinea Corporis
- Urticaria
IX. Interpretation: Classic Erythema Migrans rash
- Erythema Migrans is diagnostic for Lyme Disease
- Allows diagnosis without confirmatory testing
- Erythema Migrans is the only CDC-supported non-laboratory finding for definitive Lyme Disease diagnosis
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French | Erythème chronique migrateur, Érythème chronique migrateur, Erythema chronicum migrans |
Portuguese | Eritema crónico migrante, Eritema Migrans Crônico |
Spanish | Eritema migratorio crónico, eritema migratorio crónico (trastorno), eritema migratorio crónico, Eritema Crónico Migrans |
Japanese | 慢性遊走性環状紅斑, マンセイユウソウセイカンジョウコウハン |
Swedish | Erythema chronicum migrans |
Czech | erythema migrans, erythema chronicum migrans, Erythema chronicum migrans |
Finnish | Vaeltava punoitus |
Polish | Rumień przewlekły wędrujący |
Hungarian | Erythema chronicum migrans |
Norwegian | Erytem, kronisk migrerende, Erythema chronicum migrans, Kronisk migrerende erytem |
German | Erythema chronicum migrans |
Italian | Eritema cronico migrante |