II. Pathophysiology

  1. Perirectal Abscess within anal spincter wall

III. Signs

  1. Tender, fluctuant mass in rectal mucosa, on Digital Rectal Exam
  2. External exam may be normal if there is no extension to perianal region

IV. Differential Diagnosis

V. Management

  1. See Perirectal Abscess
  2. Surgical Consultation for drainage under Anesthesia
    1. Requires internal sphincterotomy via the anal mucosa

VI. References

  1. Marx (2002) Rosen's Emergency Medicine, p. 1952
  2. Roberts (1998) Procedures, Saunders, p. 649-51
  3. Sherman, Bahga and Vietvuong (2022) Crit Dec Emerg Med 36(7): 23-9

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