II. Indication
- Refractive Surgery to Correct Refractive Error
- Current Refractive Surgery procedure of choice
- Replaces Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)
- Replaces Radial Keratotomy (RK)
III. Criteria: LASIK (and PRK)
- Age 18 years or older
- Stable Refraction for at least 1 year
- Myopia -0.50 to -12 diopters
- Hyperopia less than +0.50 to +6 diopters
- Astigmatism less than or equal to 5 diopters
- Adequate Corneal thickness
- No contraindications below
IV. Contraindications
Corneal disease
- Keratoconus
- Corneal Scarring
- Thin Cornea
- Herpetic Keratitis
- External eye conditions
- Blepharitis
- Dry Eye or sicca syndrome
- Allergic Conjunctivitis
- Other eye conditions
- Progressive Myopia
- Significant Cataract
- Uncontrolled Glaucoma
- Controlled Glaucoma is not an absolute contraindication
- Transiently increased extraocular pressure to 65 mmHg during procedure
- Intraocular Pressures may be falsely low and unreliable after LASIK
- Medical conditions
- Uncontrolled vascular disease
- Autoimmune Disease
- Immunocompromised status
- Pregnancy or Lactation
- Keloid formation history
- Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus (variable Vision)
V. Technique: LASIK Technique
- Suction ring is applied to stabilize and flatten the Cornea
- Thin Corneal epithelial flap (160 u)
- Computer programmed prior to surgery
- Corneal topography
- Refraction
- Pre-programmed excimer laser reshapes Cornea
- Laser emits UV light at Cornea (photoablation)
- Etches away Corneal Stroma under flap
- Results in little to no adjacent thermal damage
- Recent advances in laser beam technology
- Smaller laser beam width <100 u
- Eye tracking systems adjust for eye movement
- Corneal flap repositioned without Suture
- Eye is irrigated
- Both eyes may be corrected on same day
- Vision recovered within 48 hours
VI. Technique: Advancements
VII. Management: Discharge Instructions
- Topical Corticosteroid eye drops
- Topical Antibiotic eye drops
- Topical NSAID eye drops
- Eye shield use overnight following surgery
- No soft Contact Lens use for 1-2 weeks and no hard Contact Lens use for 3-4 weeks
VIII. Management: Follow-up
- Routine postoperative follow-up evaluations
- Day 1
- Week 1
- Month 1,3 and 6
- Warning signs necessitating follow-up
- Decreased Visual Acuity
- Suspected infection (redness)
- Pain
- Epithelial abrasion
- LASIK flap complication
IX. Efficacy
X. Advantages: Over other procedures (contrast with PRK)
- Minimal pain
- Quick visual recovery
- Treats high levels of Myopia
- Both eyes treated on same day
- LASIK enhancements easily performed within 12 months
- No stromal haze (unlike PRK)
- Satisfaction rate of 90% (PRK has 52% satisfaction)
XI. Adverse Effects
- Minimal post-operative discomfort
- Glare or halos associated with outdoor lights (20%)
- Especially common with night driving
- Usually improves within months
Dry Eyes or eye irritation (20-40%)
- First 3 months after surgery (resolves over 6-12 months, but may persist mildly in 20%, bothersome in 2%)
- Related to Corneal nerve innervation
- Treat with artificial tears (no preservative) prn, or Cyclosporine drops (Restasis)
XII. Complications
- Repeat surgery to reshape Cornea: 5-30%
- Overcorrection or undercorrection
- Irregular Astigmatism
- Corneal Epithelium growth beneath flap: 1%
- Vision threatening infection: 1-5 per 10,000 procedures
- Loss of Visual Acuity that cannot be corrected: 0.1%
- Best spectacle-corrected Vision worse than 20/40: <0.5%
- Corneal flap displacement: 0.5% (usually repairable)
- Buttonhole tear in Corneal flap precluding surgery
- Diffuse lamellar Keratitis (Sands of Sahara Syndrome)
- Sterile inflammatory response
- Occurs in 2-4% of patients
XIII. Precautions
- Does not correct accommodation loss with aging (Presbyopia), esp. myopic patients
- Reading glasses will still be required
- Flap will not take up Fluorescein stain after LASIK
XIV. References
- (1999) Med Lett Drugs Ther 41(1068):121-3 [PubMed]
- Bower (2001) Am Fam Physician 64(7):1183-90 [PubMed]
- Messmer (2010) Am Fam Physician 81(1): 42-8 [PubMed]
- Perez-Santonja (1999) Ophthalmology 106:21 [PubMed]
- Waring (1999) Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 40:S588 [PubMed]
- Wilkinson (2017) Am Fam Physician 95(10): 637-44 [PubMed]
- Stulting (1999) Ophthalmology 106:13 [PubMed]
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