II. Definitions

  1. Upper Airway Cough Syndrome (previously Postnasal Drip Syndrome)
    1. Chronic Cough due to upper airway cause (often, but not always, due to postnasal drainage)

III. Epidemiology

  1. Most common cause of Chronic Cough in non-smoking adults with intact Immunity and normal Chest XRay

IV. Pathophysiology

  1. Cough syndrome associated with upper airway Hypersensitivity to triggers (e.g. postnasal drainage)

VII. Signs

  1. Posterior pharynx drainage or mucus
  2. Throat clearing
  3. Nasal Discharge
  4. Nasal Congestion
  5. Rhinorrhea
  6. Oropharyngeal mucosa with cobblestone appearance

VIII. Imaging

  1. Consider Sinus XRay or Sinus CT if persistent symptoms refractory to treatment

IX. Management

  1. General
    1. Avoid allergens
    2. See Chronic Cough
  2. Treat specific causes
    1. Sinusitis
    2. Allergic Rhinitis
  3. Trial on empiric therapy
    1. See Rhinitis for a full protocol
    2. Consider oral Antihistamine
    3. Consider Intranasal Steroid
    4. Consider intranasal Atrovent

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Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
English Upper-airway cough syndrome
Dutch bovenste luchtweg hoestsyndroom
Spanish Síndrome de tos de las vías respiratorias superiores
Portuguese Síndrome de tosse das vias respiratórias superiores
Italian Sindrome delle vie aeree superiori con tosse
German Hustensyndrom der oberen Atemwege
French Syndrome de toux des voies aériennes supérieures
Japanese 上気道咳症候群, ジョウキドウセキショウコウグン
Czech Syndrom kašle z horních cest dýchacích
Hungarian Felső-légúti köhögés syndroma