II. Epidemiology

  1. Most common oral Soft Tissue Growth
  2. Incidence: 1.2% in adults

III. Pathophysiology

  1. Hyperplastic fibrous lesion
  2. Forms in response to local irritation or Trauma to the Oral Mucosa or Tongue
    1. Chronic development of granulation tissue and scar

IV. Causes

  1. Broken teeth
  2. Tongue biting
  3. Poorly fitting dentures

V. Symptoms

  1. Typically asymptomatic

VI. Signs

  1. Appearance
    1. Firm, broad-based, smooth-surfaced pink Papules or Nodules
    2. Surface color is similar to surrounding mucosa
    3. May be pendunculated with broad base
    4. Typically smaller than 1 cm
  2. Distribution
    1. Occlusal line on Buccal mucosa most common
    2. Also occurs on Tongue, Labial mucosa, Gingiva
  3. Course
    1. May heal as a dense, Collagenous lesion
    2. With repeat Trauma, lesion may ulcerate or become hyperkeratotic

VII. Management

  1. Surgical excision
    1. Recurrence is rare following excision
  2. Send for pathology to evaluate for neoplastic lesions in differential diagnosis
    1. However, Traumatic fibromas have no increased risk of malignant transformation

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