II. Indications

  1. Detect serum Antigen or Antibody

III. Definitions

  1. Precipitan
    1. Antibody (IgG or IgM) that precipitates in the presence of Antigen
  2. Immunoelectrophoresis
    1. Protein electrophoresis followed by precipitation by double immunodiffusion

IV. Mechanism

  1. Electrophoresis may be used in advance of precipitation (Immunoelectrophoresis)
    1. See Serum Protein Electrophoresis (SPEP)
    2. Separates Proteins via gel electrophoresis
    3. Proteins are then selectively used in precipitation testing
  2. Precipitates specific Antigen or Antibody (precipitan) with its corresponding Antibody or Antigen
  3. Performed in test tube (e.g. cellulose acetate) or on agarose or agar diffusion plate
    1. Antibody-Antigen Precipitant becomes measurable within medium
    2. Agar Gel Immunodiffusion
      1. Double immunodiffusion (e.g. Ouchterlony Qualitative Immunodiffusion)
        1. Qualitative or quantitative measurement of Antigen-Antibody precipitant
      2. Radial Immunodiffusion (e.g. Mancini method)
        1. Antigen-Antibody complex forms a precipitin ring
        2. Antigen concentration quantified by measuring precipitation ring diameter
      3. Electroimmunodiffusion
    3. Test Tube Precipitant in Solution (Quantified by spectrophotometer techniques)
      1. Immunoturbidimetry (absorption of light by precipitant is measured)
      2. Immunonephelometry (reflection of light by precipitant is measured)

V. Disadvantages

  1. Lower Test Sensitivity compared with Agglutination Tests

VI. Resources

  1. Immunoprecipitation (Wikipedia)
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immunoprecipitation

VII. References

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Related Studies

Ontology: Immunodiffusion measurement (C0017231)

Definition (MSH) Technique involving the diffusion of antigen or antibody through a semisolid medium, usually agar or agarose gel, with the result being a precipitin reaction.
Definition (CSP) technique involving the diffusion of antigen or antibody through a semisolid medium, usually agar or agarose gel, with the result being a precipitin reaction.
Concepts Laboratory Procedure (T059)
MSH D005779
SnomedCT 32623009
CPT 1011937
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Czech gelové difuzní testy, imunodifuze
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French Immunodiffusion, Tests d'immunodiffusion en gélose, Tests d'immuno-diffusion en gélose, Immuno-diffusion, Tests d'immunodiffusion sur gélose, Tests d'immuno-diffusion sur gélose
German Gel-Diffusions-Tests, Immundiffusion
Italian Test di immunodiffusione su gel, Immunodiffusione
Croatian Not Translated[Immunodiffusion]
Polish Immunodyfuzja, Próby dyfuzyjne w żelu
Japanese 免疫拡散法, ゲル内拡散試験, ゲル内拡散テスト, 免疫拡散
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Dutch Geldiffusietest, Immunodiffusie
Portuguese Imunodifusão, Testes de Difusão em Gel

Ontology: immunoelectrophoresis (C0020997)

Definition (HL7V3.0) <p>Electrophoresis, Immuno</p>
Definition (MSH) A technique that combines protein electrophoresis and double immunodiffusion. In this procedure proteins are first separated by gel electrophoresis (usually agarose), then made visible by immunodiffusion of specific antibodies. A distinct elliptical precipitin arc results for each protein detectable by the antisera.
Definition (CSP) technique that combines protein electrophoresis and double immunodiffusion: in this procedure proteins are first separated by gel electrophoresis, then made visible by immunodiffusion of specific antibodies; a distinct elliptical precipitin arc results for each protein detectable by the antisera.
Concepts Laboratory Procedure (T059)
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CPT 1011933
HL7 0067
LNC LP6335-6
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Ontology: Immunoprecipitation (C0021069)

Definition (HL7V3.0) <p>Precipitation, Immune precipitation</p>
Definition (NCI_CDISC) Antigen aggregation with antibody, in the right ratios, to cause precipitation. (NCI)
Definition (NCI) Antigen aggregation with antibody, in the right ratios, to cause precipitation.
Definition (MSH) The aggregation of soluble ANTIGENS with ANTIBODIES, alone or with antibody binding factors such as ANTI-ANTIBODIES or STAPHYLOCOCCAL PROTEIN A, into complexes large enough to fall out of solution.
Definition (CSP) serologic tests in which a positive reaction manifested by visible precipitation occurs when a soluble antigen reacts with its antibody.
Concepts Laboratory Procedure (T059)
MSH D047468
HL7 0140
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Czech imunoprecipitace
Finnish Immuunisaostus
Japanese 免疫沈降法, 免疫沈降反応, 免疫沈降
Croatian Not Translated[Immunoprecipitation]
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Norwegian Immunopresipitering, Immunpresipitasjon, Immunpresipitering
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German Immunpräzipitation, Immunopräzipitation
Italian Immunoprecipitazione
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Spanish Inmunoprecipitación

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Concepts Laboratory Procedure (T059)
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Definition (NCI) A method that measures the absorbance of light from a sample which is used for quantifying an amount of analyte based on the level of turbidity produced by the formation and precipitation of an immune complex containing the analyte.
Concepts Laboratory Procedure (T059)
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