II. Epidemiology

  1. Most often occurs in patients over 50 years old

III. Causes

  1. Weakening of support layers of lower lid
  2. Trachoma (rare in United States)
    1. Results in palpebral Conjunctiva scarring
    2. Can affect both upper and lower lids

IV. Symptoms

  1. Asymptomatic unless Trichiasis occurs

V. Signs

  1. Lid turns inward toward globe
  2. Lower lid most often affected

VI. Complications: Trichiasis

  1. Lash margins turn inward and rub against Cornea
  2. Very symptomatic

VII. Management

  1. Surgical repair of Entropion if Trichiasis occurs

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Related Studies

Ontology: Entropion (C0014390)

Definition (MSHCZE) Ochablost dolního víčka s okrajem stočeným proti oku. Řasy dráždí povrch oka (zejm. rohovku) a mohou způsobit jeho poškození a infekci. Stav lze upravit drobnou operací. E. spasticum je způsobeno křečí m. orbicularis oculi. E. cicatriceum je způsobeno jizvením s tahem za dolní víčko. E. senile vzniká ve stáří. E. congenitum je vrozené. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
Definition (MSH) The turning inward (inversion) of the edge of the eyelid, with the tarsal cartilage turned inward toward the eyeball. (Dorland, 27th ed)
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
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ICD9 374.00
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German Entropium, unspezifisch, Entropium NNB, Entropium
Italian Entropion NAS, Entropion, non specificato, Entropion
Portuguese Entrópio NE, Entrópio
Spanish Entropión no especificado, Entropión NEOM, Entropión, entropión no especificado (trastorno), entropión no especificado, entropión (trastorno), entropión
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Ontology: Trichiasis (C0221259)

Definition (MSH) A disease of the eye in which the eyelashes abnormally turn inwards toward the eyeball producing constant irritation caused by motion of the lids.
Definition (MSHCZE) Stav, kdy oční řasy jsou stočeny směrem k oční kouli a trvale dráždí spojivku a rohovku, které jsou poškozovány. Vzniká v důsledku zánětlivých změn. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D058457
SnomedCT 193927000, 267864001, 156412005, 60332004
Dutch trichiasis van ooglid, trichiasis
French Trichiase des paupières, Rétroversion des cils, Trichiasis
German Augenlidtrichiasis, Trichiasis
Italian Trichiasi della palpebra, Trichiasi
Portuguese Triquíase da pálpebra, Triquíase
Spanish Triquiasis palpebral, Triquiasis, triquiasis (trastorno), triquiasis
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Hungarian Szemhéj trichiasis, Trichiasis
Polish Trichiaza, Nieprawidłowe ustawienie rzęs
Norwegian Trikiasis