II. Epidemiology
- Most often occurs in patients over 50 years old
III. Causes
- Weakening of support layers of lower lid
Trachoma (rare in United States)
- Results in palpebral Conjunctiva scarring
- Can affect both upper and lower lids
IV. Symptoms
- Asymptomatic unless Trichiasis occurs
V. Signs
- Lid turns inward toward globe
- Lower lid most often affected
VI. Complications: Trichiasis
- Lash margins turn inward and rub against Cornea
- Very symptomatic
VII. Management
- Surgical repair of Entropion if Trichiasis occurs
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Definition (MSHCZE) | Ochablost dolního víčka s okrajem stočeným proti oku. Řasy dráždí povrch oka (zejm. rohovku) a mohou způsobit jeho poškození a infekci. Stav lze upravit drobnou operací. E. spasticum je způsobeno křečí m. orbicularis oculi. E. cicatriceum je způsobeno jizvením s tahem za dolní víčko. E. senile vzniká ve stáří. E. congenitum je vrozené. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
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French | Entropion, non précisé, Entropion SAI, Entropion |
German | Entropium, unspezifisch, Entropium NNB, Entropium |
Italian | Entropion NAS, Entropion, non specificato, Entropion |
Portuguese | Entrópio NE, Entrópio |
Spanish | Entropión no especificado, Entropión NEOM, Entropión, entropión no especificado (trastorno), entropión no especificado, entropión (trastorno), entropión |
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Czech | entropion, Entropium NOS, Nespecifikované entropium, Entropium, entropium |
Finnish | Entropium |
Croatian | ENTROPIJ |
Polish | Podwinięcie powiek |
Hungarian | Entropion k.m.n., Entropium, nem meghatározott, Entropium |
Norwegian | Entropion |
Ontology: Trichiasis (C0221259)
Definition (MSH) | A disease of the eye in which the eyelashes abnormally turn inwards toward the eyeball producing constant irritation caused by motion of the lids. |
Definition (MSHCZE) | Stav, kdy oční řasy jsou stočeny směrem k oční kouli a trvale dráždí spojivku a rohovku, které jsou poškozovány. Vzniká v důsledku zánětlivých změn. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D058457 |
SnomedCT | 193927000, 267864001, 156412005, 60332004 |
Dutch | trichiasis van ooglid, trichiasis |
French | Trichiase des paupières, Rétroversion des cils, Trichiasis |
German | Augenlidtrichiasis, Trichiasis |
Italian | Trichiasi della palpebra, Trichiasi |
Portuguese | Triquíase da pálpebra, Triquíase |
Spanish | Triquiasis palpebral, Triquiasis, triquiasis (trastorno), triquiasis |
Japanese | 睫毛乱生, ショウモウランセイ, マツゲランセイ |
English | trichiasis of eyelid, trichiasis of eyelid (diagnosis), trichiasis of eyelid (physical finding), Trichiases, Trichiasis, Trichiasis [Disease/Finding], Trichiasis - eyelid, Malpositioned eyelashes, Trichiasis (disorder), trichiasis, Trichiasis, NOS, Trichiasis NOS, Eyelid trichiasis |
Czech | Trichiáza očního víčka, Trichiáza, trichiáza |
Hungarian | Szemhéj trichiasis, Trichiasis |
Polish | Trichiaza, Nieprawidłowe ustawienie rzęs |
Norwegian | Trikiasis |