II. Definitions
- Low and Middle Income Country
III. Types: LMIC Facilities and their resources (including monitoring, sedation and analgesia)
- Health Clinic
- No Running water, electricity or oxygen
- Vital Sign monitoring (pulse, Temperature)
- Local Anesthesia (Lignocaine)
- Rural Hospital 1
- Running water and intermittent electricity, but no oxygen
- Vital Sign monitoring (pulse, Temperature, Blood Pressure) AND stethoscope
- Local Anesthesia AND sedation (Ketamine, Diazepam, Midazolam)
- Rural Hospital 2
- Running water and continuous electricity (with some interruptions), but no oxygen
- Pulse, Temperature, Blood Pressure, stethoscope AND Oxygen Saturation
- Local Anesthesia and sedation (as above) AND Ephedrine, Analgesics, spinal Anesthetic
- First Referral Hospital
- Running water, reliable electricity, and oxygen is often available
- Pulse, Temperature, Blood Pressure, stethoscope, Oxygen Saturation AND EKG
- Local Anesthesia, sedation, Analgesics, spinal Anesthetic AND Drawover (Halothane), induction (Propofol), paralytic
- Regional Hospital (level 2 facility)
- Running water, reliable electricity, and oxygen
- Pulse, Temperature, Blood Pressure, stethoscope, O2 Sat, EKG, AND mechanical Ventilator, ET-CO2
- Local Anesthesia, sedation, Analgesics, spinal Anesthetic AND Drawover (Halothane), induction (Propofol), paralytic
IV. Preparations: Equipment that may better allow for care of sick patients in resource poor environments
End-Tidal CO2
- Typical uses
- Procedural Sedation (apnea monitoring)
- Cardiac Arrest (e.g. CPR adequacy, Return of Spontaneous Circulation)
- Other uses
- Typical uses
Ketone Meter (or combined Glucometer/Ketone meter)
- Test strips for Ketones are different than test strips for Glucose
- Meter is much more accurate than Urine Dipstick values
- Kuru (2016) Turk J Emerg Med 14(2): 47-52 +PMID:27331169 [PubMed]
V. Resources
- WHO Essential Medicines
VI. References
- McQueen (2015) World J Surg 39:2153-60