II. Epidemiology
- Seen primarily in advanced HIV in Caribbean, SW USA
III. Pathophysiology
- Gastrointestinal infection
IV. Differential Diagnosis
V. Diagnosis
- Stool acid fast stain
VI. Management
- Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra, TMP-SMZ) DS
- Alternative agents
- Pyrimethamine 50 to 75 mg orally daily and folinic acid 10-25 mg orally daily
- Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice daily for 7 days (limited evidence)
VII. Course
- Relapse in 50% of patients
- Chronic suppressive therapy may be necessary
- Example: Septra DS 1 tab orally three times weekly or once orally daily
VIII. References
- Gilbert (2016) Sanford Guide, on IOS, accessed 9/12/2016