II. Physiology
- Associated with Hair Follicles in hair covered areas
- Independent of Hair Follicles at mucosal margins
- Secretes oily substance (sebum) onto hair
- Sebum acts to waterproof hair and skin
III. Histology
- Acinus produces sebum
- Round cells with lipid-filled vacuoles
- Secretion of sebum known as Holocrine Secretion
- Branched acini join at short duct
- Duct empties into Hair Follicle
- Images
- Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
IV. Sebaceous Gland Conditions
V. References
- Wheater (1987) Functional Histology, p. 130-2
- Murphy in Cotran (1989) Robbins Pathology, p. 1277-8