II. Definition
- Discrepancy between each eye's Refractive Errors
III. Epidemiology
- Second most common cause of Amblyopia
IV. Pathophysiology
- Large difference in Refractive Error between eyes
- "Good" eye favored
- "Bad" eye
V. Screening
- Visual Acuity testing (start screening early)
- Strabismus Testing
VI. Management
- Correction of Refractive Error
- Eyeglasses
- Contact Lenses
- Correction of coexisting Amblyopia
VII. References
- Berson (1987) Ophthalmology Study Guide, AAO, p. 95-110
- Essman (1992) Am Fam Physician 46(4):1243-52 [PubMed]
- Mills (1999) Am Fam Physician 60(3):907-16 [PubMed]
- Simon (2001) Am Fam Physician 64(4):623-8 [PubMed]
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MSH | D015858 |
ICD9 | 367.31 |
ICD10 | H52.31 |
SnomedCT | 3289004 |
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