II. Epidemiology
- Rare (1 in 1.5 Million women, only cases reports in children)
III. Pathophysiology
- Tubal torsion without associated Ovarian Torsion
IV. Causes: Intrinsic tubal abnormality
- Mass (e.g. Hydrosalpinx, Paratubal cyst, Neoplasm
- Adhesions (e.g. Endometriosis, Pelvic Inflammatory)
V. Management
- Similar to Ovarian Torsion
- Emergent laparoscopy
- Conservative treatment with tube preservation if revascularizes with detorsion
- Salpingectomy if tube necrotic (esp. >10 hours from onset)
VI. References
- Davis and Bullard-Berent (2021) Crit Dec Emerg Med 35(12): 16-7
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Concepts | Acquired Abnormality (T020) |
ICD10 | N83.52 |
SnomedCT | 46946009 |
English | torsion of fallopian tube, torsion of fallopian tube (diagnosis), Fallopian tube torsion, Torsion of fallopian tube, Torsion of fallopian tube (disorder), fallopian tube; torsion, oviduct; torsion, torsion; fallopian tube, torsion; oviduct |
Spanish | torsión de la trompa de Falopio (trastorno), torsión de la trompa de Falopio, torsión de trompa de Falopio, torsión de trompa de Falopio (trastorno), Torsión de la trompas de Falopio |
Czech | Torze vejcovodu |
Dutch | eileider torsie, eileider; torsie, torsie; eileider, torsie; tuba Fallopii, tuba Fallopii; torsie |
French | Torsion de trompe de Fallope |
German | Eileitertorsion |
Hungarian | Fallop-vezeték torsioja |
Italian | Torsione delle tube di Falloppio |
Japanese | ランカンネンテン, 卵管捻転 |
Portuguese | Torção da trompa de Falópio |