II. Indications
- Frailty Assessment
III. Criteria
- Weight loss (in last 12 months)
- Self reported weight loss of 10 lb (4.5 kg) OR
- Documented weight loss >5% of total body weight
Gait speed (on walking 15 feet or 4.5 meters)
- Men
- Height <=68 inches: Walks 15 feet in <=7 seconds
- Height >68 inches: Walks 15 feet in <=6 seconds
- Women
- Height <=62.5 inches: Walks 15 feet in <=7 seconds
- Height >62.5 inches: Walks 15 feet in <=6 seconds
- Men
- Grip strength (with Dynamometer)
- Measurement
- Perform with elbow flexed at 90 degrees and held at side of body
- Adjust Dynamometer handle so that DIP joint can wrap around device
- Record best of 3 attempts
- Maximal isometric grip for 5 seconds
- Relax 15 seconds between attempts
- Men
- BMI <=24: Grip strength 64 lb (29 kg)
- BMI 24.1 to 28: Grip strength 66 lb (30 kg)
- BMI >28: Grip strength 70.5 lb (32 kg)
- Women
- BMI <=23: Grip strength 37.5 lb (17 kg)
- BMI 23.1 to 26: Grip strength 38 lb (17.3 kg)
- BMI 26.1 to 29: Grip strength 39.5 lb (18 kg)
- BMI >29: Grip strength 46 lb (21 kg)
- Measurement
- Physical Exhaustion (derived from CES-D Depression Scale)
- Patient rates the following 2 questions using scale as below
- I felt that everything I did was an effort in the last week
- I could not get going in the last week
- Score 0 to 3
- Score 0: Rarely or none of the time
- Score 1: Some or a little of the time
- Score 2: Moderate amount of time
- Score 3: Most or all of the time
- Interpretation
- Patient rates either of the 2 questions with a score of 2 or 3
- Patient rates the following 2 questions using scale as below
- Low Energy Expenditure (per week)
- See Exercise Energy Expenditure
- Men: <383 kcals/week of activity
- Women: <270 kcals/week of activity
IV. Interpretation
- Of 5 criteria above, score 1 point for each positive criteria
- Total Score 0: Not Frail
- Total Score 1-2: Prefrail (risk of Frailty)
- Total Score 3-5: Frail