Definition (MSHCZE)
Všechny orgány zahrnuté do reprodukčního procesu a do procesu tvorby a výdeje MOČI. Jsou sem zahrnuty ledviny, močovody, MOČOVÝ MĚCHÝŘ, URETRA a reprodukční orgány – vaječníky, UTERUS, VEJCOVODY, VAGÍNA a KLITORIS u žen a varlata, SEMENNÉ VÁČKY, PROSTATA, semenné kanálky a PENIS u mužů. R
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS)
The parts of the body that play a role in reproduction, getting rid of waste products in the form of urine, or both.
Definition (NCI)
Of or related to the genital and urinary organs or their functions.
Definition (NCI)
The body system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine.
Definition (MSH)
All the organs involved in reproduction and the formation and release of URINE. It includes the kidneys, ureters, BLADDER; URETHRA, and the organs of reproduction - ovaries, UTERUS; FALLOPIAN TUBES; VAGINA; and CLITORIS in women and the testes; SEMINAL VESICLES; PROSTATE; seminal ducts; and PENIS in men.
Concepts |
Body System
SnomedCT |
LP30000-1, LP7268-8, LP7267-0, LP89778-2, MTHU031868, MTHU013232, MTHU002616, MTHU001431, LA16969-0 |
English |
Genitourinary System, Genitourinary Systems, System, Genitourinary, System, Urogenital, Systems, Genitourinary, Systems, Urogenital, Urogenital System, Urogenital Systems, Systema urinaria, Structure of genitourinary system (body structure), Urogenital structure, Structure of genitourinary system, Urogenital structure (body structure), GU, GENITOURINARY, urogenital system (urinary part), Urogenital Tract, Genitourinary Tract, Genitourinary systems, urogenital structure, urinary system, urogenital system, reproductive and urinary system, genitourinary system, urogenital systems, genitourinary, urogenital, genitourinary tract, Genitourinary tract, Urogenital system, Genitourinary system, Genitourinary system, NOS, Genitourinary tract, NOS, Urogenital system, NOS, Genitourinary |
Swedish |
Urogenitala systemet
Spanish |
estructura urogenital, estructura urogenital (estructura corporal), estructura del aparato genitourinario, estructura del aparato genitourinario (estructura corporal), Sistema Genital, aparato genitourinario, aparato urogenital, sistema genitourinario, sistema urogenital, Sistema Genitourinario, Sistema Urogenital |
Czech |
urogenitální systém
Finnish |
Virtsa- ja sukupuolielimet
Italian |
Sistema genitourinario, Apparato urogenitale |
Russian |
Croatian |
Latvian |
Uroģenitālā sistēma
Polish |
Układ moczowo-płciowy
Japanese |
泌尿生殖器系, 尿性器系, 尿生殖器系, 泌尿生殖器 |
Norwegian |
Systema urogenitale, Urogenitalsystemet |
Portuguese |
Sistema Genital, Sistema Geniturinário, Sistema Urogenital |
French |
Appareil urogénital, Appareil uro-génital, Système uro-génital, Système urogénital |
German |
Geschlechts- und Harnorgane, Urogenitalsystem, Urogenitaltrakt |
Dutch |
Systeem, urogenitaal, Urogenitaal systeem, Urogenitaalstelsel |