II. History
- Nipple Scaling
- Nipple Retraction
- Redness or Warmth
- Skin thickening
- Dimpling
- Duration
- Location
- Changes
III. Normal Variation
- Montgomery glands
- Prominent and visible as bumps around areola
Nipple Inversion
- Congenitally present
- Differentiate from Nipple retraction
IV. Infections
- Commonly occurs in folds of pendulous Breasts
V. Abnormal Findings (Red Flags)
- Nipple retraction
- Cancer until proven otherwise!
- Suggests retroareolar mass
- Paget's Disease of the Nipple
- Skin Retraction
- Skin Dimpling
- Peau d'orange
- Breast skin dotted like skin of an orange
- Not orange color
- Very ominous sign
- Suggests Lymph Node involvement
- Breast skin dotted like skin of an orange
Breast Erythema in non-lactating women
- Ominous if persistent Mastitis greater than 2 weeks
- Suggests inflammatory carcinoma