II. Definition

  1. Congenital persistence of webbing between digits

III. Epidemiology

  1. Most common Congenital Anomaly of hand and foot
  2. Autosomal Dominant inheritance

IV. Pathophysiology

  1. Develops before 6 weeks post-conception

V. Signs

  1. Digits attached by persistent webbing
  2. Types of Attachment
    1. Simple Syndactyly: Digits attached only by skin
    2. Complicated Syndactyly: Adjacent bone or nail fused
  3. Length of finger in web
    1. Partial Syndactyly: Web extends from base partially
    2. Complete Syndactyly: Web from base to tip of finger
  4. Number of fingers involved
    1. Single Syndactyly: Involves 2 digits in web
    2. Double Syndactyly: Involves 3 digits in web
    3. Triple Syndactyly: Involves 4 digits in web

VI. Associated Conditions

  1. Apert's Syndrome
  2. Carpenter's Syndrome
  3. de Lange's Syndrome
  4. Holt-Oram Syndrome
  5. Orofaciodigital Syndrome
  6. Polysyndactyly
  7. Trisomy 13
  8. Trisomy 18
  9. Trisomy 21
  10. Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome
  11. Laurence-Moon-Biedl Syndrome
  12. Fanconi's Anemia

VII. References

  1. Behrman (2000) Nelson Pediatrics, Saunders, p. 2093
  2. Fuloria (2002) Am Fam Physician 65(2):265-70 [PubMed]

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Ontology: Syndactyly (C0039075)

Definition (NCI) A congenital condition characterized by webbing between the fingers and/or toes, joining the digits together. In rare cases, the joining of the fingers or toes may involve bony fusion between the digits. Common causes include Down Syndrome and hereditary syndactyly.
Definition (MSH) A congenital anomaly of the hand or foot, marked by the webbing between adjacent fingers or toes. Syndactylies are classified as complete or incomplete by the degree of joining. Syndactylies can also be simple or complex. Simple syndactyly indicates joining of only skin or soft tissue; complex syndactyly marks joining of bony elements.
Concepts Congenital Abnormality (T019)
MSH D013576
ICD9 755.1
ICD10 Q70 , Q70.9
SnomedCT 268252004, 111313001, 253975004, 205151006, 75352001, 156989004, 373413006
English Syndactylia, Syndactylias, Syndactylies, SYNDACTYLY, Syndactyly NOS, Syndactyly, unspecified, Webbed digits, syndactyly (diagnosis), Symphalangy NOS, Syndactyly [Disease/Finding], syndactylia, syndactylism, symphalangism, syndactylies, syndactyly, Syndactyly NOS (disorder), Symphalangism (disorder), Symphalangy (disorder), Syndactylism, Symphalangism, Congenital webbing of digits, Syndactylus, Syndactyly (disorder), symphalangy, Syndactyly, Symphalangy, Webbing of digits
French SYNDACTYLIE, Syndactylisme, Syndactylie
Portuguese SINDACTILIA, Sindactilia
Spanish SINDACTILIA, sinfalangia, sinfalangia (trastorno), membrana congénita de los dedos, sindactilia, SAI, sindactilia, SAI (trastorno), sindactilia (trastorno), sindactilia, Sindactilia
German SYNDAKTYLIE, Syndaktylie, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Syndaktylie
Japanese ゴウシショウ, 合指症, 指趾癒着症
Czech syndaktylie, Syndaktylie
Finnish Syndaktylia
Swedish Syndaktyli
Korean 합지증, 상세불명의 합지증
Croatian Not Translated[Syndactyly]
Polish Syndaktylia, Palcozrost
Hungarian Syndactilia
Norwegian Syndaktyli, Fingre-tær sammenvoksning
Dutch Syndactylie, niet gespecificeerd, syndactylie, Syndactylie
Italian Sindattilia