Definition (MSH)
Interference with the secretion of tears by the lacrimal glands. Obstruction of the lacrimal sac or nasolacrimal duct causing acute or chronic inflammation of the lacrimal sac (DACRYOCYSTITIS). It is caused also in infants by failure of the nasolacrimal duct to open into the inferior meatus and occurs about the third week of life. In adults occlusion may occur spontaneously or after injury or nasal disease. (Newell, Ophthalmology: Principles and Concepts, 7th ed, p250)
Concepts |
Anatomical Abnormality
, Disease or Syndrome
SnomedCT |
246865000, 95769009, 416920000 |
English |
Duct Obstruction, Lacrimal, Duct Obstructions, Lacrimal, Lacrimal Duct Obstruction, Lacrimal Duct Obstructions, Obstruction, Lacrimal Duct, Obstructions, Lacrimal Duct, LACRIMAL DUCT OBSTRUCTION, Obstructed canaliculus, Obstuction of lacrimal ducts, tear duct occlusion, tear duct occlusion (diagnosis), Lacrimal duct obstruction, Lacrimal duct obstruction NOS, Lacrimal Duct Obstruction [Disease/Finding], tear duct blocked, lacrimal obstruction duct, blocked tear duct, lacrimal duct obstruction, blocked ducts tear, Obstruction of lacrimal ducts, Obstruction of lacrimal canaliculi, Obstruction of lacrimal ducts (disorder), Blocked lacrimal canaliculus, Blocked lacrimal canaliculus (finding), lacrimal passages; obstruction, lacrimal passages; occlusion, obstruction; lacrimal passages, occlusion; lacrimal passages, Obstuction of lacrimal ducts (disorder), Canalicular obstruction, Lacrimal canalicular obstruction, Obstruction of lacrimal canaliculus (disorder), Obstruction of lacrimal canaliculus, Obstruction of lacrimal duct |
Dutch |
traankanaalobstructie, ductus lacrimalis obstructie NAO, afsluiting; traanwegen, obstructie; traanwegen, traanwegen; afsluiting, traanwegen; obstructie, Ductus-lacrimalisobstructie, Obstructie, traankanaal-, Traankanaalobstructie |
French |
Obstruction du canal lacrymal SAI, OBSTRUCTION DU CONDUIT LACRYMAL, Obstruction du canal lacrymal, Occlusion du canal lacrymal |
German |
Traenengangobstruktion, Traenengangobstruktion NNB, TRAENENKANALVERLEGUNG, Tränenwegsobstruktion |
Italian |
Ostruzione del dotto nasolacrimale, Ostruzione del dotto nasolacrimale, NAS, Ostruzione del dotto lacrimale |
Portuguese |
Obstrução do canal lacrimal, Obstrução do canal lacrimal NE, OBSTRUCAO DO CANAL LACRIMAL, Obstrução dos Ductos Lacrimais |
Spanish |
Obstrucción del conducto lagrimal, Obstrucción del conducto lagrimal NEOM, LACRIMAL, CONDUCTO OBSTRUIDO, obstuction de los conductos lagrimales (trastorno), obstrucción del canalículo lagrimal, obstuction de los conductos lagrimales, canalículo lagrimal obstruido, conducto lagrimal obstruido (hallazgo), conducto lagrimal obstruido, obstrucción de canalículo lagrimal (trastorno), obstrucción de canalículo lagrimal, Obstrucción del Conducto Lagrimal |
Japanese |
涙道閉塞, 涙道閉塞NOS, ルイドウヘイソク, ルイドウヘイソクNOS |
Swedish |
Czech |
slzovod - obstrukce, Obstrukce slzného kanálku, Obstrukce slzného kanálku NOS |
Finnish |
Kyynelteiden ahtauma
Russian |
Croatian |
Polish |
Niedrożność kanalika łzowego
Hungarian |
Könnycsatorna elzáródás, Könnycsatorna elzáródás k.m.n. |
Norwegian |