II. Definitions
- Intussusception
- Bowel 'telescopes' onto itself in early childhood
III. Epidemiology
- Most common cause Intestinal Obstruction age <6 years
- Incidence: 1 to 4 in 1000 newborns
- Gender predominence: Males > Females by 3:1 ratio
- Ages affected
- Rare before age 3 months
- Most common ages 3 to 12 months (66%)
- Peak Incidence at 10 months of age
- Less common after age 36 months
- Adult cases account for <0.08% of Intussusception cases (malignancy related in 15 to 65% of cases)
IV. Pathophysiology
- Bowel telescopes on itself, causing venous and lymphatic congestion, then ischemia, perforation and peritonitis
- Intussusception is the most common cause of Small Bowel Obstruction in young children
- Ileocolic Intussusception (90% of cases)
- Occurs most commonly at ileocecal junction
- However, Intussusception may occur anywhere along ileum, jejunum or colon)
V. Causes: Intussusception Lead Points
- Idiopathic (75-90%)
- Transient Lead Points typically form at regions of inflammation (most common identified cause)
- Associated with recent viral gastrointestinal illness (e.g. Gastroenteritis)
- Infection results in lymphatic inflammation with enlarged Peyer's Patch
- Inflammation and lead point typically subsides after infection (making recurrence less likely)
- Pathologic Lead Point of Intussusception (risk of recurrence)
- Intestinal polyp
- Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
- Juvenile Polyposis
- Familial Polyposis Coli
- Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
- Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
- Hemangioma
- Meckel's Diverticulum
- Lymphosarcoma
- Lymphoma
- Neurofibroma
- Intestinal duplication
- Abdominal Trauma, prior surgical scar or foreign body
- Appendix (rare)
- Intestinal polyp
VI. Risk Factors
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Henoch Schonlein Purpura
- Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Bowel abnormalities
- Indwelling gastrointestinal tubes
- Recent infection
- Rotavirus Vaccination previously associated with Intussusception (Vaccine removed from marked 1999)
- Newer oral Rotavirus Vaccine may have a small increased Intussusception risk
VII. Symptoms
- Presentations by Age
- Children <12 months: Irritability, Vomiting and bloody stool (late finding)
- Children >12 months: Abdominal Pain
- Child often appears well between episodes of pain
- Appear agitated, inconsolable during painful episodes
- May be listless and pale between episodes
- Episodic hypotonia may occur
Vomiting (delayed onset by 6-12 hours)
- Initially yellow Emesis progressing to Bilious Emesis
Abdominal Pain
- Sudden onset
- Cramping, colicky with paroxysms of pain in 15-20 minute intervals (may flex knees to Abdomen in pain)
- Progressively more severe episodes over time
Stool change
- Watery, Diarrheal stools in first 12 to 24 hours
- Red Currant Jelly Stools (bloody mucus) are a late finding (occurs in 50% of cases, only 15% at presentation)
- Indicates infarcted or necrotic bowel
VIII. Signs
- Children may be pain free in up to 20% of cases
- Lethargy may be only presenting finding (10% of cases)
- May be associated with Altered Mental Status
- Evolution of abdominal examination
- Initial: Benign Abdomen
- Later: Abdominal Distention with peritoneal signs
- Right upper quadrant or epigastric, sausage-shaped abdominal mass
IX. Differential Diagnosis: General
- Incarcerated Hernia
Acute Gastroenteritis or Infectious Diarrhea
- Intussusception is frequently misdiagnosed as Gastroenteritis early in course
- Testicular Torsion
- Acute Appendicitis
- Meckel Diverticulum
- Mesenteric Lymphadenitis
- Small Bowel Obstruction
- Abdominal Trauma
- Volvulus
X. Differential Diagnosis: Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Associated Altered Mental State (Late Presentation)
XI. Evaluation: Predictive Findings of Intussusception
- Four clinical signs and symptoms are most associated with Intussusception
- Crying
- Abdominal mass
- Pallor
- Vomiting
- Interpretation
- All four clinical signs and symptoms: 95% Intussusception probability
- Intussusception is unlikely if all 4 criteria absent
- References
XII. Evaluation: Findings that make Intussusception Less Likely
- Consider other etiology (e.g. Urinary Tract Infection, Appendicitis, Gastroenteritis)
- Fever is uncommon in Intussusception (<1% in at least one study)
XIII. Precautions
- Consider in any child with irritability and Vomiting without Diarrhea (esp. with lethargy between episodes)
- Classic triad (Abdominal Pain, bloody stools, palpable abdominal mass) is only present in 40% of cases
- Have a low threshold for evaluation (Ultrasound)
- Ultrasound is definitive (in experienced hands), non-invasive and inexpensive
- Missed Intussusception is lethal
- Listen to parents with concern regarding Abdominal Pain out of proportion to exam
- References
- Cantor (2016) Literature Review, ACEP PEM Conference, Orlando, attended 3/8/2016
XIV. Imaging
- Preferred first screening for Intussusception
- Technique: General
- Linear Probe follows course of Large Bowel
- Child supine
- Normal colon with haustra and minimal peristalsis compared with Small Bowel
- Technique: Option 1
- Linear probe transverse with probe marker at lateral right lower quadrant
- Identify the psoas Muscle and set the depth to 6 cm
- Follow ascending colon from RLQ, then transverse colon from RUQ, then descending colon from LUQ
- Keep the transducer transverse to bowel (e.g. cranial-caudal for transverse colon)
- Stomach may be used as acoustic window if there is Bowel Obstruction with fluid in Stomach
- Technique: Option 2 (Adam Sivitz, MD)
- Follow ascending colon from RUQ to RLQ (identifies most cases of Intussusception)
- Findings: Abnormal
- Transverse axis (Short Axis)
- Target sign (concentric rings) measuring >3 cm
- Longitudinal axis
- Sandwich, hayfork or pseudo-Kidney (bowel layers invaginate into one another)
- Transverse axis (Short Axis)
- Efficacy
- Emergency Bedside Ultrasound is accurate (but operator dependent)
- Efficacy for pediatric emergency physicians after a 1 hour course
- Efficacy for experienced clinicians and ultrasonographers
- References
- Claudius and Seif in Herbert (2013) EM:Rap 13(11): 1-3
- Contrast Enema
- Sensitivity: 95% of Intussusception
- Curative in most early cases of Intussusception
- Contraindications
- Patient unstable
- Surgical Abdomen
- Abdominal XRay
- Primarily indicated in suspected bowel perforation (free air)
- Signs of Intussusception (variably present, Ultrasound in preferred)
- Right lower quadrant abdominal mass
- Absent bowel gas in right upper quadrant
- Target sign or Cresent sign
- Air trapped between the bowel lumens
XV. Management: General
- Fluid Resuscitation
- Perform prior to air contrast reduction
- Immediate air or contrast enema if no contraindication (see below)
- Emergent Surgical Consultation
- Prophylactic Antibiotic Indications
- Emergency Surgical Intervention
- Previously prophylactic Antibiotics were considered prior to attempted air contrast reduction
- Prophylactic Antibiotics are no longer recommended before air contrast enema
- Prophylactic Antibiotics do not reduce the risk of bacteremia or enteritis with enema
XVI. Management: Air Contrast Enema Reduction
- Air Contrast Enema is performed by Radiology (typically under Fluoroscopy guidance)
- Effective in 76 to 81% Ileocolic Intussusception cases
- Recommended to be performed at centers capable of complication management
- Radiology able to perform percutaneous bowel needle decompression
- Emergency surgical backup
- Ultrasound guidance of saline enema has also been used
- Risk Factors for Failed Reduction
- Intussusception symptoms >24 hours
- Diarrhea
- Lethargy
- Distal Intussusception
- Fike (2012) J Pediatr 47(5): 925-57 [PubMed]
- Failed first attempt at enema reduction
- May repeat Air Contrast Enema at 0.5 to 4 hour intervals if prior attempt without complications
- Efficacy of delayed, repeat attempts: 50% (if predictors below are present)
- Predictors of safe repeated enema (0.8% perforation risk)
- Intussusception movement or partial reduction with prior attempt
- Cardiopulmonary stability
- No peritoneal signs
- Complications
- Bowel perforation
- Hemodynamic Instability
- Treat with percutaneous bowel needle decompression, ABC Management and surgical intervention
- References
XVII. Management: Surgical Intervention
- Typically performed under laparoscopy, with transition to open surgery as needed
- Preparation
- Fluid Resuscitation
- Prophylactic Antibiotics
- Fluid Resuscitation
- Indications
- Hemodynamic instability
- Peritoneal Signs
- Bowel perforation
- Multiple failed Air Contrast Enema reduction attempts
- Air Contrast Enema Reduction not available in timely manner
XVIII. Managament: Small Bowel to Small Bowel Intussusception
Small Bowel to Small Bowel Intussusception is typically transient
- Does not require intervention in most cases (contrast with Small Bowel to colon, or colon to colon)
Small Bowel to Small Bowel cases in which surgical intervention may be needed
- Focal Abdominal Pain
- Long intussception
- Prior abdominal surgery
XIX. Management: Disposition
- Most patients are admitted and observed for recurrence for at least 24 hours
- Due to risk of recurrence in 5-10% of cases
- Indications for discharge after 6-8 hours of observation (studies support 3 hour observation)
- Asymptomatic for at least 3 hours after reduction AND
- Tolerating oral liquids AND
- Reliable family and able to return urgently to Emergency Department if needed AND
- Reduction successful within 3 attempts AND
- No serious findings before reduction (e.g. bloody stool, fever, long prodrome)
- Ravel (2015) Pediatrics 136(5):e1345-52 +PMID: 26459654 [PubMed]
XX. Complications
- Ischemic Bowel
- Bowel Perforation
- Sepsis
- Intussusception Recurrence
- Recurrence in 3 to 11% of cases (most in first day to first week)
- Recurrence risk factors
- Age over 2 years
- Pathologic lesions (see above)
- Death
- Mortality 1 to 3% with early treatment
- Fatal if not treated within 2-5 days
XXI. References
- Ayub and Smith (2021) Crit Dec Emerg Med 35(10): 3-8
- Guess and Ojo (2022) Crit Dec Emerg Med 36(3): 10-11
- Bisset (1988) Radiology 168(1): 141-5 [PubMed]
- West (1987) Surgery 102(4): 704-10 [PubMed]
- Yamamoto (1997) Am J Emerg Med 15(3):293-8 [PubMed]
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English | ileocolic intussusception, Ileocolic intussusception, Ileocolic intussusception (disorder) |
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English | Ileocaecal intussusception, Ileocecal intussusception, Ileocecal intussusception (disorder) |