II. Definitions
- Hounsfield Unit
- XRay attenuation unit used in CT Scan interpretation
- Characterizes the relative density of a substance (amount of X-ray radiation absorbed by each element in tissue)
- Each pixel is assigned a value between -1000 (air, black) to Zero (water) to +3000 (dense bone, white)
III. Indications
- Computed Tomographic Scanning (CT Scan)
IV. Imaging: Substance densities in Hounsfield Units (Radiodensity)
V. Imaging: CT Window Settings
- Window
- Gray scale value assigned to tissues of various densities
- Materials with densities less than the lower window limit will be displayed as 100% black
- Materials with densities greater than the upper limit will be displayed as 100% white
- Window Width
- Range of Hounsfield Units displayed
- Hounsfield Units are divided into 16 gradations to display on screen
- Human eye can discern 700-900 shades of gray
- Window Level
- Hounsfeld Unit in center of the window width
- Mid-Radiodensity in the total range
- Window Setting
- Displayed as L/W = Level/Width
- Abdominal CT = 350/50 (soft tissue Radiodensity)
- Range: -125 to +225 HU centered at +50 HU
- Gradations: Each 350/16 or 22 HU displays a different shade of gray on the screen
- Chest CT = 1500/-500 (air Radiodensity)
- Range = -1250 to +250 HU centered at -500 HU
- Gradations: Each 1500/16 or 94 HU displays a different shade of gray on the screen
- Bone CT = 2000/250 (bone Radiodensity)
- Range = -750 to +1250 HU centered at +250 HU
- Gradations: Each 2000/16 or 125 HU displays a different shade of gray on the screen
- Brain CT = 45/80
- Range = 5 to 85
- Includes CSF (0 HU), brain parenchyma (20-50 HU) and blood (30-70 HU)
- Consider Subdural CT Window = 50/130 or 70-100/150-300
- Wider window helps differentiate Subdural Hematomas
- Window Adjustments (PACS screen adjustment)
- Inverted Image
- Flips color gradient, where air is bright white (eases free air visualization)
- Window Width (Horizontal adjustments)
- Drag mouse right to increase window width
- Increases range of HU per each 1/16 shade of gray
- Decreases contrast
- Drag mouse left to decrease window width
- Decreases range of HU per each 1/16 shade of gray
- Increases contrast
- Drag mouse right to increase window width
- Window Level (Vertical adjustments)
- Drag mouse up to increase the window level
- Increases the middle or mean Radiodensity toward bone (or white, +1000 HU)
- Drag mouse down to decrease the window level
- Decreases the middle or mean Radiodensity toward air (or black, -1000 HU)
- Drag mouse up to increase the window level
- Inverted Image
VI. Resources
- McGonigal (2013) Trauma MedEd, July, 2013
VII. References
- Broder (2021) Crit Dec Emerg Med 35(5): 10-1
- Hounsfield (1980) Med Phys 7:283-90 [PubMed]
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Definition (HL7V3.0) | <p>1</p> |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | The unit of measure for the radiodensity of a substance. The radiodensity of distilled water at standard temperature and pressure is zero on the Hounsfield scale. |
Definition (NCI) | Term given to the dimensions of the quantifier of x-ray attenuation, CT number.(Dr. Joseph A. Thie) |
Concepts | Quantitative Concept (T081) |
HL7 | [HNSF'U] |
English | Hounsfield Unit, Hounsfield unit, HU |