II. Indications

III. Contraindications

IV. ` Penicillin or Procaine Allergy

  1. Do NOT inject intravenously

V. Mechanism

  1. See Penicillin
  2. See Natural Penicillin for activity spectrum

VI. Precautions

  1. Largely replaced by other agents due to Antibiotic Resistance
  2. Listed for historical purposes

VII. Dosing

  1. Erysipeloid, Pneumococcal Infections, Streptococcal Infections and ANUG
    1. Adult (or weight >27 kg): 0.6 to 1 Million Units IM daily
    2. Child (weight <27 kg)
      1. Give 0.3 Million Units IM daily OR
      2. Give 25,000 to 50,000 units/kg/day IM divided in 1-2 doses for moderate infections in age >1 month
  2. Diphtheria
    1. Adult (and weight >10 kg): 0.6 Million units IM every 12 hours until transition to oral Penicillin VK for 14 days
    2. Child (weight <10 kg): 0.3 Million units IM every 12 hours until transition to oral Penicillin VK for 14 days
  3. Neurosyphilis (Adult)
    1. Give 2.4 Million Units IM daily WITH Probenacid 500 mg every 6 hours for 10 to 14 days
  4. Congenital Syphilis (Child)
    1. Give 50,000 units/kg IM daily for 10 days

VIII. Pharmacokinetics

  1. Peaks in 4 hours
  2. Duration: 24 hours

IX. Adverse Effects

X. Safety

  1. Considered safe in pregnancy
  2. Considered safe in Lactation

XII. References

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