Documatic takes text and modifies it to create Epic Documentation Tools. Create lists and phrases quickly and easily.
Your web browser is challenged by the modern age, and is unlikely to work adequately with the Documatic application.
I recommend you upgrade to a young, spry web browser and try again.
You can of course forge blindly ahead, flogging your aging web browser instead of allowing it to retire to the green pastures of the recycle bin. You are, however, unlikely to be satisfied with the results.
If you continue, you will find that formatting is ugly and check boxes will not be added to allow item selection in the outline
Create highly functional documentation tools in 4 easy steps. Really.
Search or browse to one of 5800 topics. Referenced. Up-to-date.
Click the check boxes preceding the outline items you want to use.
Change any options to customize your tool and click the blue "run" button.
Click the blue "copy" button. Paste into an Epic Smart Phrase. Done.
The screen can be divided into 3 sections: Menu bar, source and destination. We'll start in the source section at screen left.
The source information can be web content or pasted plain text. We'll begin with web content. Click the black button with the globe icon.
The browser opens with the mobile version of Use the Table of contents or search terms to find the topic of interest.
Only fpnotebook topic pages will serve as usable source outlines (not books or chapters in the TOC).
Web Browsers limit the source to "same server" (i.e., so external sites (e.g. emedicine) can not be used in the "Web" Tab.
Click the button in the lower right corner to use the selected page as source information
Once the source browser closes, the source selection tree will automatically load with the selected topic page.
Click the check boxes next to the list items you wish to use from the source.
The source menu bar has a button to choose the levels of depth that will be selected with each clicked check box.
The M-S toggle button allows you to output the selected lists to either Single (S) Select Lists or Multiple (M) Select lists
The option dialog allows users to insert which IDs to use for the Single and Multiple Select Lists in their specific Epic Installation.
The filter button (right arrow when off) allows for custom processing of the list output.
When filters are off, each outline level of selected items are processed to a different list
When filters are on, the various selected item levels are processed based on the selected template in the options dialog
Filter templates allow sub-levels to be output to bulleted lists or enclosed in parentheses.
Filter templates can also output a group of lists for different uses such as giving decision calculators (e.g. Well's Score) a consistent look.
Plain text can be used as a source from within the 'Text' tab. Each line will be converted to a new row in a single list.
Clicking the play button will process the source selected items into the destination window.
The Destination box is a rich text editor, allowing for text modification and formatting.
The copy button (far right, blue) places the text from the editor onto the clipboard. Ctrl-A (select all) and CTRL-C (Copy) will do the same.
If you paste directly into Epic, all formatting will be lost. You can however, paste into MS Word and then into Epic to retain formatting.
In the future, pasting rich text into Epic directly will be enabled. A repository of pre-made tools is also planned.
Some Assembly required... Documatic generated tools rely on 2 smart lists inside of Epic. Although each user can create their own version of these, it is far more efficient to create these on a system level.
Please give the following document to your Epic Support team and ask that they install the 2 smart lists described. Your Epic support team may also recognize that this method (creating smartlists on the fly using 2 base lists) has broader use beyond the Documatic program.
Documatic Complete Reference Epic Setup ReferenceResources...Both the Epic Set-up instructions as well as the "Getting Started" information are included in the Documatic Reference.
Documatic Complete ReferenceNavigate to your source and then click import.