III. Mechanism

  1. Surfactant replacement decreases lung surface tension, allowing for greater alveoli opening

IV. Medications

  1. Survanta (Beractant)
    1. Supplemented extract from calf lung
    2. Available in 25 mg/ml (vials contain 4 or 8 mls)
  2. Calfactant (Infasurf)
    1. Calf lung lavage extract
    2. Available in 35 mg/ml (vials contain 3 or 6 mls)
  3. Exosurf
    1. Synthetic surfactant analog

V. Dosing

  1. Surfactant delivery via Endotracheal Tube
  2. Dose 200 mg/kg for initial dose
  3. Followed by weaning Endotracheal Tube to Nasal CPAP

VI. Adverse Effects

  1. Pulmonary Hemorrhage
  2. During instillation via Endotracheal Tube
    1. Oxygen Desaturation
    2. Bradycardia

VIII. References

  1. Olson (2020) Clinical Pharmacology, Medmaster Miami, p. 90

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